
May 2024
This time I was on myself for a hike thru the nature after a very wet week of rain. See me explore this nature setting of the river area around the AA of Weerijs that finds it spring somewhere in Belgium.
Experience a City escape in the Netherlands with a hike and lunch in a Spectacular nature setting around the river AA of Weerijs near to Breda. Disconnect from city life and immerse yourself in the beauty of nature on this adventure! Embark on a nature escape in the Netherlands with this hiking trail and lunch adventure! Explore the spectacular AA of Weerijs and enjoy a peaceful day surrounded by nature.
Lunch with baked scrimps and sea weeds with a bread and pickles. Yummie.

February 2024
On a Sunday afternoon I hiked into the forest to a windy lake where I planned to enjoy the wild life and eat my lunch. I was spotted by a forest ranger that asked me to leave. I went to another location next to a small river. I concurred the rain and used a tarp shelter to make my tea and make myself a nice Hamburger meal on the camping stove. Watch the video on YouTube as I brave the elements and enjoy delicious hamburger lunch in the great outdoors!

July 2023
Hi here the 2 Small again. Last weekend we went hiking in Germany in the Rhein region around Koblenz. The village where we started was called Rhens. The very first stop was on the King's Chair with the view on the river the Rhein.
It was a nice hike for about 10.8 km's thru wonderful sceenery and magnificent views. Sandra was able to hike for 10 km's again so we enjoyed it a lot.
The temperature hit 35 degrees Celcius so we used plenty of water not to hydrate.
Bakc in the old historic town of Alt Rhens we deserved a nice cold beer .
The tour that we did was one of many Traumpfaden in this area The area around Koblenz called the Volcano Eifel area is well known because of its lava and basalt creating the perfect crack climbing rock. Places like Ettringen, Kottenheim and Mayen with plenty Trad climbing possibilities.

June 2022
Hi All, we made a video to show you our Hike around Trimbs thru the Volcanic Eifel in Germany. Along the way we had an exiting escape from the Rain into an old Train Tunnel. With quite some darkness and exitement and thank God no trains. We celebrated the hike in the village of Trimbs which had that day a festival with wine tasting and with Bradwurst and Beer. The tour that we did was one of many Traumpfaden in this area The area around Koblenz called the Volcano Eifel area is well known because of its lava and basalt creating the perfect crack climbing rock. Places like Ettringen, Kottenheim and Mayen with plenty Trad climbing possibilities.

August 2021
During our vacation we had the plan to have a weekend full of climbing with our friend Peter. We planned going to climb in the place called Ettringen (Eifel), Germany. Ettringen is a place in the German state Rijnland-Pfalz , as wel as the country district Mayen-Koblenz.
Saturday it was a perfect day for climbing. It was sunny with some clouds every now and then. But the next day it was raining cats and dogs. The climbing rocks were to wet to climb, because of the rain. Now this isn't a problem if the sun will be shining thru the day, but.....that wasn't the case. When we looked on our weather app it was announced that the weather could become worse from the current situation. So, the rock would not have a change to dry and that meant we sadly could not climb.
Because we couldn't climb, we did something different. We put on our hiking boots and our raincoats and hiked over the "Vulkanpad" which translates to volcano path. We were rewarded with a beautiful views of the volcanoes of the Eifel.
In below video's you can find the clips of our journey. If you like them, please subscribe to our channel and give a thumbs up and push that notification bell, for a heads up for coming video's.

August 2021
During our summer vacation we went to Guillestre which is a city quite close to the city Briançon, France. It is located in the Hautes Alps which is located in the south France.
During our vacation weeks (of which we got 2) we climb almost ever day. On the days we didn't climb we had a bit of a rest. On those days we rested, we went on hikes so the muscles in our arms and shoulders could have a change to recover. As well as resting physically you should also rest mentally. Because climbing is not only a physical sport, but also a mental one.
"it is not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves. Sir Edmund Hillary"
So, a day of rest can sometimes do miracles. While we were walking, we enjoyed the most beautiful views. In addition to walking, we also took some time to visit the local villages. On the highest side of the mountain that you can reach is the skiing resort, Risoul. On the photo's you can also see the view Fort Mont-Dauphin.*
During our hike we had some time to film with our drone. This is always exiting, and you always learn something new, about a village or city from above.
* I would recommend looking at the picture closely.

May 2021
During a weekend we went on a hiking tour through the beautiful forests of Brabant. Brabant is one of twelve provinces in the Netherlands and is located in the south. It was amazing to see the nature changing from rainy winter weather to a soft spring sunshine and everything beginging to bloom. Most people were enjoying this after the long lock-down period and finally the chance of getting out of the house.